Welcome to our digital Wednesday Folder. This page is updated once per week. Please check it every Wednesday afternoon for the latest important information.
WEEK 37: MAY 25-28, 2020
Thursday, May 28: It's the last day of school! Have a great summer, everyone!
WEEK 36: MAY 18-22, 2020
Wednesday, Friday 20: AISD SALUTE will be held virtually at 6:30pm at Everyone is invited to join, watch, and cheer on our Teacher of the Year, Kirstie Osten, our Teacher of Promise, Julianna Ramirez, and all the gifted people who help make our schools amazing places of learning for our students!
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is OPEN. Please be sure to register your child online for the next school year. For Pre-K registration, click here for more details and instructions.
Normally, at this time, we would have had our Kindergarten Orientation. While we cannot meet in-person on campus, we are still dedicated to providing parents a Kindergarten Orientation! Please click here to view our virtual orientation. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. Any questions not on the FAQ can be asked here.
Parents, please help us re-imagine learning at Mathews as part of our planning for the 2020-2021 school year. Share your thoughts here: Re-imaging Learning at Mathews.
WEEK 35: MAY 11-15, 2020
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is OPEN. Please be sure to register your child online for the next school year. For Pre-K registration, click here for more details and instructions.
Normally, at this time, we would have had our Kindergarten Orientation. While we cannot meet in-person on campus, we are still dedicated to providing parents a Kindergarten Orientation! Please click here to view our virtual orientation. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. Any questions not on the FAQ can be asked here.
Parents, please help us re-imagine learning at Mathews as part of our planning for the 2020-2021 school year. Share your thoughts here: Re-imaging Learning at Mathews.
WEEK 34: MAY 4-8, 2020
With how much everyone is juggling right now, there is no challenge again this week. However, it’s officially Teacher Appreciation Week! We at Mathews have made it Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week to acknowledge all that the folks at Mathews whether they are a teacher or not. Perhaps this year, more than ever, a heartfelt note of appreciation would be the world to our staff. It doesn’t have to be long or attached to anything, but a note or picture from you and/or your child on our Wall of Gratitude would make their day!
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is OPEN. Please be sure to register your child online for the next school year. For Pre-K registration, click here for more details and instructions.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 33: APRIL 27 - MAY 1, 2020
As a reminder, due to the still rising number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the city of Austin, AISD has discontinued packet pick-up. The District will instead mail out work packets to students who are currently identified as economically disadvantaged and will continue to post packet information for downloading on the AISD remote learning site.
Camp Zilla has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible.
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is OPEN. Please be sure to register your child online for the next school year. For Pre-K registration, click here for more details and instructions.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 32: APRIL 20-24, 2020
Ms. Brewster’s Weekly Challenge:
Thursday, April 23: Low Energy Day. Spend some time outside (if you can and still practice safe social distancing) and try to cut down on electricity use for the day! Show that natural light!
Friday, April 24: Lorax Day. Speak for the trees! Draw a picture of the Lorax and the Truffla or write your own poem celebrating trees!
Post your Challenge pics here.
Unfortunately, this week was the last week for physical packet pick-up at Mathews or at any other location. Due to the still rising number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the city of Austin, AISD has discontinued packet pick-up after Wednesday, April 22, 2020. The District will instead mail out work packets to students who are currently identified as economically disadvantaged and will continue to post packet information for downloading on the AISD remote learning site.
Camp Zilla has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible.
Registration for the 2020-21 school year is OPEN. Please be sure to register your child online for the next school year. For Pre-K registration, click here for more details and instructions.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 31: APRIL 13-17, 2020
Ms. Brewster’s Weekly Challenge:
Monday, April 13: Rainbow Day. Draw a picture of a rainbow – use your imagination!
Tuesday, April 14: M for Mathews. Be creative! Use materials you have around your house to shape the letter M for Mathews and post a pic of the final product!
Wednesday, April 15: Haiku Day. A haiku is a three-line poem (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables). Post your haiku about remote learning!
Thursday, April 16: High Five/Fist Bump. It’s National High Five Day! Give a virtual high five or fist bump to the Mathews community!
Friday, April 17: International Festival. Let’s celebrate virtually! Post a picture of your family’s favorite dish, represent the country you would have marched for in the Parade of Nations, and/or post your favorite dance moves!
Post your Challenge pics here.
If you haven’t already had the chance to look at our Remote Learning Plan, you can do so here. It includes a helpful one-page guide for parents to digital learning, which you can also access here.
A friendly reminder that Mathews has been chosen as a packet pick-up site. On Wednesdays from 11:00am to 1:00pm, you’ll be able to drive up to the front of the school, and we’ll deliver a contact-free work packet for you, grades PK-8. While the packets are created by the District and aren’t necessarily tied to the work our teachers have created, they are a free resource for continued learning at home.
Camp Zilla has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 30: APRIL 6-10, 2020
School is closed indefinitely.
While the building is not open, distance learning opportunities will continue for our students. In the meantime, please refer to this resource for optional activities to keep learning going.
Mathews has been chosen as a packet pick-up site. On Wednesdays from 11:00am to 1:00pm, you'll be able to drive up to the front of the school, and we'll deliver a contact-free work packet for you, grades PK-8. While the packets are created by the District and aren't necessarily tied to the work our teachers have created, they are a free resource for continued learning at home.
Camp Zilla has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 29: MARCH 30 - APRIL 3, 2020
Monday, March 23 - Monday, May 4: NO SCHOOL.
The Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly, Spring Picture Day, and the parent orientation for the human sexuality curriculum have been cancelled.
While the building is not open, we fully expect distance learning opportunities for our students to begin on Monday, April 6. In the meantime, please refer to this resource for optional activities to keep learning going.
Teachers are communicating with families via LivingTree. If you do not have access to LivingTree, please try either one of these two options:
Reach out to your child's homeroom teacher and ask for a group code. When you log into LivingTree, near the top-right under the blue "Get Started" button, there is a link that says "Have a Group Code? Join Now." Input the group code you receive there.
For any other issues, reach out to LivingTree's customer support team. Click on the green speech bubble with the white smiley face on the bottom-left of the page, and start a new conversation. The LivingTree customer support team will hopefully get back to you soon. Unfortunately, we at the school cannot do any troubleshooting for LivingTree.
Save the Dates:
***Please note that all events below are subject to change and/or cancellation.***
Tuesday, April 14: Kinder Round-Up. [CANCELLED].
Thursday, April 16: Book Fair. [May be rescheduled or cancelled.]
Friday, April 17: International Festival. [CANCELLED]
Tuesday, April 14: New tentative return date to school.
The Stay Home - Work Safe Order is currently in effect through Monday, April 13. Please be sure to keep an eye out for any messages from Austin ISD, or LivingTree messages from Grace and her weekly Sunday newsletter. If you are not receiving the weekly Mathews Messenger, please reach out to Grace at
Just in case, here is the link for this week's Mathews Messenger:
Thursday, May 14: SALUTE! [CANCELLED]
Monday, May 18: Human Sexuality Curriculum Week.
Monday, May 25: NO SCHOOL.
Thursday, May 28:
6th Grade Promotion Ceremony!
Last day of school!
All Friday assembles and meetings have been cancelled until further notice.
Given recent COVID-19 (Coronavirus) updates, Camp Zilla has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 28: MARCH 23-27, 2020
Monday, March 23 - Monday, April 13: NO SCHOOL.
The Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly, Spring Picture Day, and the parent orientation for the human sexuality curriculum have been cancelled.
Please refer to this resource for optional activities to keep learning going.
Teachers are communicating with families via LivingTree. If you do not have access to LivingTree, please try either one of these two options:
Reach out to your child's homeroom teacher and ask for a group code. When you log into LivingTree, near the top-right under the blue "Get Started" button, there is a link that says "Have a Group Code? Join Now." Input the group code you receive there.
For any other issues, reach out to LivingTree's customer support team. Click on the green speech bubble with the white smiley face on the bottom-left of the page, and start a new conversation. The LivingTree customer support team will hopefully get back to you soon. Unfortunately, we at the school cannot do any troubleshooting for LivingTree.
Save the Dates:
***Please note that all events below are subject to change and/or cancellation.***
Tuesday, April 14: New tentative return date to school.
The Stay Home - Work Safe Order is currently in effect through Monday, April 13. Please be sure to keep an eye out for any messages from Austin ISD, or LivingTree messages from Grace and her weekly Sunday newsletter. If you are not receiving the weekly Mathews Messenger, please reach out to Grace at
Just in case, here is the link for this week's Mathews Messenger:
Thursday, April 16: Book Fair. [May be rescheduled or cancelled.]
Friday, April 17: International Festival. [CANCELLED due to the 10-person limit that is in effect until May 1, 2020.]
Thursday, May 14: SALUTE!
Monday, May 18: Human Sexuality Curriculum Week.
Monday, May 25: NO SCHOOL.
Thursday, May 28:
6th Grade Promotion Ceremony!
Last day of school!
All Friday assembles and meetings have been cancelled until further notice.
Camp Zilla is currently still open for registration. Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email ( for any questions. Please be advised that pending COVID-19 (Coronavirus) updates, Camp Zilla may be subject to cancellation. We will make a final decision about this by the end of April.
For assistance during Stay Home - Work Safe Order:
Austin ISD Food Services will prepare and provide curbside meals for students under the age of 19 and their parents/caregivers at 70 locations while school is closed because of COVID-19. Please see this website for more information.
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas has a program that assists children and families in need across the state of Teas. A non-profit children's charity working for Texans, they are able to provide funding for essentials like rent, food, and utilities during this time of crisis. In order to be considered, families need to meet three requirements:
Live in the state of Texas;
Have at least one child under the age of 21 living in their home;
Complete this application and return it with supporting documents to shannon@mcfstxorg.
For the latest updates on the district's response to this situation, please visit
For the latest updates and resources from Student Health Services, please visit
WEEK 27: MARCH 9-13, 2020
Friday, March 13: It's Track and Field Day! Please read this letter for more information, or contact Ted Barnhill at with any questions.
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March, 20: Spring Break!
The Central Texas Food Bank provides resources to help ensure that families in food insecure households are fed throughout the year, including school breaks like Spring Break. Locations where families can access food assistance can be found here in English or Español, and these March calendars provide information about the Food Bank's mobile food pantries and Fresh Food for Families distribution locations. Families may also call 2-1-1 for information about additional food resources in Austin.
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31:
Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
Parent orientation for human sexuality curriculum.
Save the Dates:
Tuesday, April 14: Kinder Round-Up.
Thursday, April 16: Book Fair begins.
Friday, April 17: International Festival!
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email ( for any questions.
Keeping our students healthy is a top priority for us at Mathews, and we appreciate your help! Please see this attached document for helpful tips on when you should keep your child home from school to help them get better and to stop the spread of illness in the building. Here’s to a healthy spring!
The census for 2020 has begun. For more information, particularly on how this can impact you and your student(s), click here.
WEEK 26: MARCH 2-6, 2020
Sunday, March 8: Daylight Savings Time begins! Remember to spring your clocks forward.
Friday, March 13: It's Track and Field Day! Please read this letter for more information, or contact Ted Barnhill at with any questions.
Save the Dates:
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March, 20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31:
Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
Parent orientation for human sexuality curriculum.
Tuesday, April 14: Kinder Round-Up.
Thursday, April 16: Book Fair begins.
Friday, April 17: International Festival!
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email ( for any questions.
AISD has requested that our families to complete our annual family survey by Friday, March 6 to help the District better serve our students and prepare them for academic success. Please read this parent letter for more information.
Keeping our students healthy is a top priority for us at Mathews, and we appreciate your help! Please see this attached document for helpful tips on when you should keep your child home from school to help them get better and to stop the spread of illness in the building. Here’s to a healthy spring!
WEEK 25: FEBRUARY 24-28, 2020
Saturday, February 29: It's Leap Day!
Save the Dates:
Monday, March 2: Diverse Books Matter Week.
Sunday, March 8: Spring forward, Daylight Savings Time begins.
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31:
Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
Parent orientation for human sexuality curriculum.
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email only ( for any questions.
WEEK 24: FEBRUARY 17-21, 2020
Friday, February 21: It's our Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
Save the Dates:
Monday, March 2: Diverse Books Matter Week.
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31: Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email only ( for any questions.
WEEK 23: FEBRUARY 10-14, 2020
Thursday, February 13: Join us for our annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast at 7:45am in the library!
Friday, February 14: NO SCHOOL. Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL.
Friday, February 21: It's our Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
Save the Dates:
Monday, March 2: Diverse Books Matter Week.
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31: Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contact Ms. Plyler via email only ( for any questions.
WEEK 22: FEBRUARY 3-7, 2020
Friday, February 7: Wear red for Healthy Heart Week! ❤️
Friday, February 14 - Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL. It's a four-day weekend!
Save the Dates:
Friday, February 21: Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
Monday, March 2: Diverse Books Matter Week.
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 30: Third Quarter Honor Roll Assembly.
Tuesday, March 31: Class and individual Spring Picture Day.
Enrichment: Registration for some classes are still OPEN. Click here to check out the NEW enrichment classes here at Mathews!
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is now OPEN! Click here to see the sessions we're offering this year and here to register. Deadline for registration is April 30. Contact Ms. Plyler via email only ( for any questions.
WEEK 21: JANUARY 27-31, 2020
Tuesday, February 4: 100th Day of School Kindergarten Parade.
Save the Dates:
Friday, February 14 - Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL. It's a four-day weekend!
Friday, February 21: Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
Enrichment: Click here to check out the NEW enrichment classes here at Mathews!
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is BACK! Registration for Camp (June 1-12, 2020) will open soon.
WEEK 20: JANUARY 20-24, 2020
Saturday, January 25: Happy Lunar New Year!
Save the Dates:
Tuesday, February 4: 100th Day of School Kindergarten Parade.
Friday, February 14 - Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL. It's a four-day weekend!
Friday, February 21: Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
After School Care: We are currently working to have more options for after school care. Austin Kenpo Karate (5501 N Lamar Blvd A225, Austin, TX 78751) has confirmed that if we have just 8 kids sign up, they would pick kids up from Mathews for after school care. Call (512) 459-1806 for more information.
Enrichment: Registration for Spring 2020 Enrichment has begun! Click here to see what enrichment classes Mathews has to offer!
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
Camp Zilla: Camp Zilla is BACK! Registration for Camp (June 1-12, 2020) will open soon.
WEEK 19: JANUARY 13-17, 2020
Satruday, January 18: Come watch our Choir perform at the Peace Through Pie Celebration at 11:30am at Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church! Click here for more details.
Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL. Happy MLK Day!
Save the Dates:
Saturday, January 25: Happy Lunar New Year!
Tuesday, February 4: 100th Day of School Kindergarten Parade.
Friday, February 14 - Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL. It's a four-day weekend!
Friday, February 21: Most Magnificent Day of STEAM.
After School Care: We are currently working to have more options for after school care. Austin Kenpo Karate (5501 N Lamar Blvd A225, Austin, TX 78751) has confirmed that if we have just 8 kids sign up, they would pick kids up from Mathews for after school care. Call (512) 459-1806 for more information.
Enrichment: Registration for Spring 2020 Enrichment has begun! Click here to see what enrichment classes Mathews has to offer, and stay tuned for any last-minute additions!
6th Grade: Admissions for Mathews 6th Grade Academy is now OPEN. Click here for more information.
WEEK 18: JANUARY 6-10, 2020
Monday, January 13: Everyone is invited to the 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly at 8:00am to celebrate all our students' hard work!
Save the Dates:
Saturday, January 18: Peace Through Pie at Sweet Home.
Monday, January 20: No school! It's MLK Day.
After School Care: We are currently working to have more options for after school care. Before Winter Break, we mentioned that Parque Zaragoza Recreation Center said they'd be willing to work with us if they could meet the numbers. Unfortunately, we've recently received word that they would not be able to. But! We have not given up. Austin Kenpo Karate (5501 N Lamar Blvd A225, Austin, TX 78751) has confirmed that if we have just 8 kids sign up, they would pick kids up from Mathews for after school care. Call (512) 459-1806 for more information.
Enrichment: Registration for Spring 2020 Enrichment has begun! Click here to see what enrichment classes Mathews has to offer.
Attendance and Tardies:
Did you know that for every day a student is absent from class, AISD loses $60 in revenue from the state? Considering we have over 80,000 students, the loss can really add up. If we raise attendance by just 1% district-wide, it would result in millions of additional revenue from the state. That is money that goes directly into your child's education. Students who miss school miss out. Attendance boosts student achievement and improves the quality of your child's educational experience.
We would like to thank all of the parents who make sure their students arrive to school on time and ready to learn before 7:40am. This gives students a positive start and helps them not miss out on important academic and community building that begin right after the morning bell. Our teachers work hard to be ready to welcome their students and provide a stable routine each morning. Therefore, we would like to respect their time and dedication to our children.
To see your student's attendance record, visit your Parent Cloud or TEAMS app. Click here for more district information regarding attendance.