The Mathews Innovation Lab provides an extended space for students to use their imagination and creativity to learn through hands-on experiences. As our students use collaboration, communication, making, tinkering, and engineering, we encourage them to learn through successes as well as failures.
Mathews students visit the Innovation Lab with Mrs. Sanders, our technology teacher, once a week. The students will learn how to use high and low-tech resources to provide opportunities for creative use. These resources range from iMac software, 3-D printer, laser cutter, and iPad apps to the use of hand tools such as drills and saws. The Lab has a variety of "treasure trash" the students can use to design and create projects from scratch. Computer science skills using Bee-Bot Robots, ScratchMIT, Ozobots, Hummingbird, and VEX Robotics for coding are introduced as well as circuitry with Squishy circuits and Little Bits.
Visit Mrs. Sanders's website for more information.​