Date: December 12, 2024
Location: Mathews Gym
🎉 Join Us at the Mathews Science Fair! 🎉
Explore the incredible projects presented by our young scientists as they investigate, experiment, and make discoveries about the world around us.
Helpful Quicklinks:
Submit Your Science Fair Project Here by Nov 12th
Sign up for Open Lab Time after School
Recommended Presentation Materials
and Guidelines -
Science Notebook - Using the Scientific Method
Rubric - Expectations and criteria for Presentations
Preparing for your presentation to the judges? Here are some student presentation examples.
Presentation Board Preparation Template & More- This How To booklet from the Austin Public Library includes a template for the presentation board on the last page.
​​What is the Science Fair?
The Mathews Elementary Science Fair is a showcase of student-led scientific investigations where students use the scientific method to explore questions and share their findings. It’s a fantastic chance for students to present their work and for families and the community to celebrate their curiosity and learning.
This Year’s Theme: Energy, Force, and Motion
Students will explore the concepts of energy, force, and motion through their experiments. Keep an eye out for videos highlighting similar experiments for inspiration!
Grade-Level Participation
Grades PK-2
All students will participate in guided science investigations during the Science Fair. Preparation will be done entirely at school. -
Grades 3-6
Students will conduct independent or group experiments (up to three students per group) at home, focusing on questions around energy, force, and motion.Note: This theme aligns with current classroom studies, reinforcing students’ understanding through hands-on application.
School’s Role
The school is committed to supporting each student’s project journey. Here’s how we’re helping:
Resources: Lessons on the scientific method, presentation board templates, an approved materials list, and Open Lab hours.
Approval Process: Teachers will provide initial approval for project questions and group participation.
Materials: Students receive up to $50 in materials for their project boards and experiments.
Support & Supervision: We’ll offer lab space and supervision during Open Lab hours, along with assistance from teachers and volunteers.
Home Support for Grades 3-6
Parents, here’s how you can help your child succeed:
Stay Involved: Encourage your student in selecting their experiment question and support them through the process.
Track Key Dates: Ensure your student meets these important deadlines for a smooth experience.
Important Dates for Grades 3-6
Nov 8 - Nov 12: Submit experiment questions for approval
Nov 15: Experiment questions finalized – students may begin their projects
Dec 1: All experiments should be completed
Dec 11: Bring presentation boards to school
Dec 12: Science Fair (students & judges during school hours, family viewing after school)
Open Lab Schedule
Need help? Join our Innovation Lab sessions, where teachers and volunteers will guide students on each stage of their project:
Nov 8: 1-4:30 pm - Question Selection
Nov 15: 1-4:30 pm - Experiment Planning
Nov 22: 1-4:30 pm - Experiment Execution
Dec 2: 1-4:30 pm - Presentation Boards
Dec 10: 9 am-4:30 pm - Final Presentation Board Touch-Ups
Display & Project Guidelines
We follow GARSEF (Greater Austin Regional Science and Engineering Fair) guidelines to ensure a safe and standardized presentation space. Please refer to our Display and Safety Guidelines here.
Judging and GARSEF Participation
Judges will use a standard rubric to provide feedback, and select projects will have the chance to represent Mathews at GARSEF!
Set-up: Friday, Feb 21 (2-7 pm)
Fair Day: Saturday, Feb 22 (8 am-5 pm)
Ready to Begin?
Bookmark this page to stay updated on all Science Fair details.
Encourage your student to start thinking about their project question.
Save and refer back to the Slideshow for quick-reference
Science Notebook - Using the Scientific Method
Rubric - Expectations and criteria for Presentations
We’re excited to see the amazing discoveries our student scientists will make!
How do I ask a question about the science fair to appear here in the FAQ section?Submit your question via the form below.
What time should parents come by to see the science fair?The Science Fair will be open to parents, families and community members from 3:30-4:30
Where can I find information on presentation display guidelines?Mathews is following the rules and regulations of GARSEF ( Greater Austin Regional Sceince and Engineering Fair). The display guidelines for the science fair can be found at this link. You may also want to check out the GARSEF website for more information.
Where can I buy the trifold presentation board for my student?We are recommending this board at Michaels Arts and Crafts for all students. https://www.michaels.com/product/corrugated-tri-fold-display-board-36-x-48-10061591